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Finding Your Audience Away From the Internet

If you use only the internet for your marketing then you are only seeing part of the picture. If building a profitable and legitimate business is your goal then you will need to expand outside of the internet. You may be doing well now but sooner or later your main traffic streams may die out so you might as well differentiate your business now with methods that aren't at all effected by the search engines.

Once you include offline marketing into your business model you have just opened the doors to an unlimited number of new customers. When it comes down to it you are in business to make sales. So this means branching out to the offline market. Following are a few very common methods used in offline marketing that you are already familiar with but probably aren't using.

Find out what the laws are in your local area about flier distribution. Are you allowed to hang fliers on doors? Is putting a flier underneath a car's windshield wiper prohibited? The law part is out of the way, now it is time to get to work by printing some simple fliers out on your desktop (you can do a search online or go to your local library to learn how); if you don't have the time then just outsource the job to a small business or a freelancer, these types of products don't cost much. Spend a few nice afternoons walking around neighborhoods and distributing fliers to potential customers. Put a coupon code into the fliers so you can track your success!

Don't forget about the basic business card. This one is easy, one way to target prospects is to visit your click here library and bookstore and leave the cards in books that pertain to your niche. They don't want you doing this but it's easy to pass off as a person who is looking for something to read. Don’t worry – you probably won’t get in too much trouble if you get caught – probably nothing more than a strongly worded warning!

Surely you've heard many radio ads in your lifetime; have you ever thought about buying one for your own business? Unless you have a creative way to exchange or barter for radio advertising, this type of ad is not cheap; however, when you consider the number of people who you could be reaching, it's often a sound investment. Think about how many people listen to the radio at work or while they are driving from place to place. If you consider how many people are listening to the radio at any given time, imagine how many visitors your site could get if only a tenth of them responded to the ad. With so many people listening, even a modest response could mean thousands of new customers!

These are only the obvious ways to market offline. There are literally an infinite amount of ways to market offline. You can make your site known to millions of people if you approach it right. Most people don't like to do business online but perhaps you can advertise a product or service that is in demand but not easy to come by in the local area. The number one thing that you need to understand is that the internet is only a piece of the puzzle. Online advertising won't always supply you with fresh and stable traffic sources that you need to sustain and grow a profitable business. By using offline marketing you will increase your profits by leaps and bounds!

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